
Twit-Peru, Twit-Peru

Being home to 1,835 bird species (nearly 20% of the world’s bird population) and 45% of all neo tropical birds, Peru is celebrated for its wide range of biodiversity and is listed as the 3rd country in the world with the largest number of bird species. 62% of South America’s birds can be observed in Peru, Inkaterra sees Bird Watchers (or “twitchers”, as they are commonly known) “flock” from all over the world to Peru to get up close to the world’s most exotic species of birds.

It isn’t just guests that Inkaterra welcomes as visitors, we also we pride ourselves on the protection of the native exotic birds and have an amazing 747 bird species across three of our properties. In addition to the 207 species at Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel and 540 species at both our rainforest lodges, we also now have 30 bird species recently registered at our new Inkaterra Hacienda Urubamba. In celebration, we have dedicated the next month to showcasing these magnificently beautiful creatures.

Our ‘blogging bird watch’ begins at Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel where the enchanting Cloud Forest is filled with the harmonised tones of the band of birds that sing a lullaby amidst the trees.


We recommend an early observation to catch the birds in action, including the famous Andean Cock of the Rock, which is one of Inkaterra’s most popular visitors that takes centre stage in the Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel gardens.

IT- Hoatzin

With its distinctive look (a florescent orange mane and aubergine black coat of feathers) the majestic creature can be identified by its remarkable chirp. Inca Wrens, Green and White Hummingbirds, Highland Motmots, Golden Headed Quetzals can also be spotted by watchers around Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel.


As bird watchers walk the hotel’s pathways, they can enjoy the lullaby of bird song as it echoes through the Cloud Forest. Encouraged to capture nature’s performance on film, guests’ camera flashes provide spotlights for the birds as they perch amongst the scenery.

Much like an Inkaterra excursion, our next three blog posts will take readers on a virtual tour of the Inkaterra properties and uncover the secrets of the much beloved birds of Peru. Our next stop on this birding watching series is Inkaterra Reserva Amazónica and Inkaterra Hacienda Concepción where we will uncover the range of birds that call the rainforest home. We look forward to you joining our birding adventure.

